April 2023 – National Poetry Month Week 4

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April 2023 – National Poetry Month Week 3

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April 2023 – National Poetry Month Week 2

Alexander Calder’s 1976 “Untitled” hangs in the National Gallery of Art and is the inspiration for April 12th poem.

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April 2023 – National Poetry Month Week 1

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Beneath Her Heart – Ch 14

Collin took a few deep breaths to cool down a bit, then turned back to the woman watching him with rapt attention. “I have unsweetened iced tea, mineral water, and lemonade.”

Brody smiled. “You are very efficient, and if the smell is anything, a very good cook.” She laughed, a sound he felt clear to his toes. “Mineral water, please.”

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April 2022 – National Poetry Month Week 3

Sorry for the delay. A medical emergency on April 22 ended this year’s goals. Enjoy the third week!

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April 2022 – National Poetry Month Week 2

I forgot to upload the week’s poems as Easter weekend is very busy.

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April 2022 – National Poetry Month Week 1

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enTWINed – Ch 14 (A Thai Fanfic)

The quiet beeps and humming noises of equipment were a soft white noise in the background as his consciousness pulled him from the darkness. Ken could hear voices too low to understand, along with a sense of movement around him. The slightly sharp smell of disinfectant did not completely cover the scent of human sweat and fear. His eyes felt heavy, and he did not want to open them.

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enTWINed – Ch 13 (A Thai Fanfic)

“What was that all about? I’ve never seen you so hated by someone of the fairer sex.” Tik mused when the men finally sat down at their own table. Ken sighed a little.

“Remember the Thai woman I met in Barcelona at the Fashion Show? After I had spent the afternoon with her sister? That’s them.”
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